Crabapple Landscapexperts

This week we're featuring another one of Metro Atlanta's larger locally owned landscape companies. You'll see these guys' trucks all around town. The company is Crabapple landscapexperts.
Headquartered in Alpharetta, Crabapple truly does serve the entire metro Atlanta area, but they concentrate on niche properties. Whether you have commercial properties, corporate campus, medical campus, home owner association, or multi-family housing communities, Crabapple can show you many examples of clients who they have helped over the years,
They use their vast array of strengths to help create beautiful spaces that reflect who their customers are and what their needs are, but then they also maintain those spaces long term.
Bill Coleman founded Crabapple in 1992. They've always taken a proactive approach to landscape management for their customers. They attribute consistency and accountability as part of the formula to Crabapple’s success.
And the success is evidenced with Crabapple continuing to be one of the top 5 landscaping companies in Atlanta.
Crabapple provides Landscape Planning, Design and Installation, Irrigation System Design, Installation and Repair and Water Conservation Planning, and Hardscape Installations, yet the job isn't done with the initial installation.
As with all successful organizations, Crabapple provides on-going training for team members to ensure that production standards are delivered consistently to all customers. During the winter months, Crabapple's Operations Leadership team delivers first-class training both in the field and in a classroom.
Having over 450 properties would be overwhelming to most but Crabapple Landscapexperts realizes the investment that has been made into the properties they maintain. They strive to keep those properties fresh and beautify as the first day it was installed.
Like most of our landscape professional partners, Crabapple is always looking for good people to join their team. If you'd like a company to learn and grow in, Crabapple may be for you. Check out the opportunities and submit an application today at
How great it is to work with the team at Crabapple Landscapexperts. They're good people. Just another example of how great our industry is and how strong the industry is in Atlanta. They work everyday to make Georgia Greener and we are FOR them!