Echo Means Business

For all of you Echo fans and small business owners, we have great news. Echo now aims it’s efforts to try and connect with it’s landscaping business owners with it’s new website and blog:  Who doensn’t like prizes? That’s what we thought. In this new website, you’ll be able to enter the sweepstakes that will give you the chance to win from a variety of different prizes. Prizes include key chains, accessories, gear, and even MLB tickets! The new blog covers all sorts of topics ranging from tips to growing your business, best lawn practice tips, and even insights to different tools to get the job done. Although these blogs are helpful, there’s no replacing the value you get from it’s new forum. Echo is building a community. In this community you can meet with other small business owners in the landscaping industry and learn what works, and what doesn’t.


You read that correctly. The Echomeansbusiness site has made it easy for you to win prizes! It’s simple, you just have to be a registered user by October 21st, 2017 then you interact with the content and other members on the site! You can earn ballots every day just by logging on to start or join a conversation on the Pro User Forum. You can also watch videos or share articles on your social networks. That’s not even the best part. You can win prizes daily, weekly, AND monthly! For official rules and guidelines, click here.


If you have your own landscaping business that you are looking to grow, we salute you! It takes a lot of hard work, determination and courage to get the ball rolling. Now how do land more clients and increase your profits? You’re a landscaper but you are also a businessman. It’s important to learn where you can find and land your future clients and keep them happy. Thankfully, the Echomeansbusiness blog site lets you learn about various topics such as Google Call Only Ads, the proper Tools to Build Positive Reviews, and Summer Lawn tips. They have great content that will keep you and your business up to date with best industry practices. Use these resources to your advantage!


Once you’ve read the blogs, it’s time to interact! Now who better to connect with than with people in your industry? Chances are, they deal with, or have dealt with, the same issues as you. The forum currently has 460 registered users with 546 messages. Ths community is pretty active and a great place to gain some insight on any of the issues you’re curious about. Whether it’s about favorite lawn mower blade choice or tips for social media, you are bound to find someone who can share their own personal experiences with you.


Echo is a great brand that we gladly represent. Come visit us at any of our Howard Brother’s locations in the North Atlanta, Georgia area. Our staff is helpful and knowledgable, we are more than happy to help you.

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