The Idea House

True Value has launched a new website recently called StartRightStartHere that is worth checking out. The interactive site allows you to play around in True Value Hardware's Idea House. The site promotes itself as the place for detailed, printable ''how-to'' home improvement project ideas.

Whether you're a first-time homeowner or a D.I.Y. master, you'll find all kinds of great home improvement projects for painting, gardening and home repair. You'll also find great features like customizable shopping lists, helpful advice, special offers and more. There's even a store locator so you can find your closest True Value hardware store (you'll be coming to Howard's...Right?) and put these do-it-yourself home improvement project ideas to work.

A few example projects are building a retaining wall, getting rid of unwanted outdoor pests (I know of a momma and two baby deer that feasted on my inlaw's okra and peas this season... they've moved on to the hostas and muscadines) patching foundation cracks and learn about how paint is affected by the lighting of your house.

Take a look around. Great ideas are everywhere. Let us know what you think about it.

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