Ways You Can Follow Us

One of the best parts of the job that I have is meeting customers. Have you ever walked in one of our stores and seen a group of us standing around in a circle? We often laugh that a grenade could take us all out. But often times in those circles we talk about the people who we've seen and helped in a given day.

We want to be the Benchmark of Excellence in our industry

As long as I've worked here, I always remember hearing from Ed and John and Doug talk up the importance of Relationships.

Today more than ever we have so many ways to connect with each other. The online world has provided avenues to converse and keep track of each other. Rest assured, we will never replace the personal interaction that you can get when you come into one of our locations in an online environment, but we do invite you to join the conversation and discussion that happens online.

On Facebook and Twitter, we'll be promoting sales and other educational content that you will be able to keep up with us. We're also excited to begin doing videos online that will educate you on the brands we sell and represent. We're going to begin a monthly newsletter to promote sales at the store and also point you at more popular content on our website. (We may even reward our mayors on FourSquare...)

To encourage you to engage with us, there will be a lot of Specials and Giveaways that you will only hear about online.

And we want your involvement! If you have a good experience or a bad experience, we want to hear from you.

We want to WOW you with our people, our products and our services.

Join us. Friend Us. Like Us.

Sign up for our monthly E-Mail Newsletter in the right column. We promise not to pile SPAM in you inbox. We'll make it worth your sign-up!

Also, you can follow our blog in an RSS Reader.

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