White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker

It is officially Summer Time! Pools, sun, games, vacations, and refreshers are all anyone is thinking about this time of year. There’s another, more popular seasonal item that you might be forgetting all about, ICE CREAM. Yes. Cold, creamy, delicious ice cream is everyone’s weakness when it’s warm out. And who can blame anyone? It’s the perfect summer treat. There’s a reason there are so many different ice cream shops, brands, products, and flavors, people go nut for their favorite ice cream! (and nuts ON top of your Sunday!… I tried) Well what better way to try new flavors than by experimenting with your own ice cream, in your own backyard? What we mean is, we have the perfect machine to make all of your wildest ice cream dreams come true, the White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker.

The White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker allows making your own homemade ice cream to be a fun and easy task. Making ice cream is fun for the whole family and will give you wonderful memories to look back on. With this great product, you can bring an old-time tradition with a modern electric motor twist into style. The White Mountain Electric Ice Cream Maker comes with everything you need to start making your delicious treats (minus the ice and rock salt but you can get that anywhere):

  • Powerful Electric Motor
  • Delicious Recipe Booklet
  • Stainless Steel Canister with Lid to hold recipe mix
  • Dasher for Churning
  • Long Lasting Artisan Bucket- hand crafted New England White Pine

You may look at all of these parts and widgets and wonder what to do with all of them. Or even wonder how you’re going to make ice cream with it all. Never fear we’ve got you covered.

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